Exploring Entropy

Path through Discomfort

This is my first post here after months of postponing and procrastinating. Did something happen today that I am finally posting? Or did I get to a point where I was postponing? NO! Nothing changed today, yesterday, or the day before. It was me constantly putting off things I was uncomfortable with. Writing in public is not new to me; I am a published author of quite a few research papers, but this is different. The process is not the same, the readers are not the same and I am not the same when I am writing for myself. Trying to be vulnerable in public is hard, and putting thoughts out there for people to read is uncomfortable. I do not claim that I have overcome this sense of uneasiness, but I realize that I will never get over it by procrastinating. I wanted to write in public about things I like, and there are so many things I want to share.

By the way, it seems I never explain the name "Exploring Entropy". I mean, it's self-explanatory, but the term Entropy here refers to a measure of uncertainty. I have a personal story with this term and maybe that's why I decided to name this blog Exploring Entropy. That's probably a story for another time.

Here's to being more uncomfortable from now on, for the path through discomfort is the path toward growth and learning.
